
Fallout 4 corpse removal mod
Fallout 4 corpse removal mod

fallout 4 corpse removal mod fallout 4 corpse removal mod

Some settlements may be a bit more difficult to work with than others, but with a little patience you can give any settlement a ton of new homes. It helps to rotate the structures and move around before you get the spot where a house can be placed. It should be noted that it can be a bit tedious to get the houses in the right position to be placed on the ground. This is especially helpful for people who play with a controller if they're in the heat of battle and don't want to take their finger off the right control stick. This mod by SombreErmine automatically confirms your Favorites Menu selection for you instead of you needing to press "A" on your controller or "Enter" on your keyboard. This definitely helps make opening doors and finding loot much easier. This mod by zilav will force any terminal you're capable of hacking (Novice, Advanced, Expert or Master) to only display the correct password option, instead of making you slave away at a tiresome minigame.

fallout 4 corpse removal mod fallout 4 corpse removal mod

While you still have to unlock the Advanced, Expert and Master lockpicking perks, this definitely means opening doors and scoring loot much easier. The Iron Rose apparently hates picking locks, and if you do, too, you should definitely install this mod that lets you crack every lock on the first try. While the in-game models may not always line up correctly, this is an excellent mod for a slightly more realistic outfitting experience.ĭo you find it odd that, by default, your character walks around casually aiming their weapon at anyone and anything? This mod by lesma666 swaps the default first-person carry animation with a more relaxed and natural weapon position. This simple mod by Abbalovesyou allows you to equip armor pieces (arms, legs, chest, etc) on top of most of the basic clothing items, such as suits, flannels, jeans and more.

Fallout 4 corpse removal mod